Monday, April 11, 2005

Hot Date with Warm Chocolate

Yes, I went out on a date. A very meaningful, special one. But it wasn't with a guy, but does it really matter? I had a good time. It would have been the near perfect date, had it been with a guy though.

She looked good, as always. She's always having that glow about her.
It started out with her "dismay" at me not giving her flowers, because technically I asked her out. It was funny though. We came across an interviewer at the station but what really surprised me were the words that came out of my mouth next.
"We're actually on a date, so if you'd excuse me..." smiles innocently and drags her away from him. The looks on his and her faces were priceless! I don't know... just thought I'd have a bit of fun I guess.
Dinner was good, romantic and fulfilling; dessert (a rich, warm chocolate fudge cake, presentation was very sexy) was amazing. We had a really good talk, and in a way, I guess true friendships are a bit like rich warm chocolate fudge cake, at least for me.

You always have space for that particular dessert no matter how full you are, and each time you taste it, you discover something new and wonder how you could have missed it. It's a need and a want at the same time, and just the thought of chocolate makes you feel all good and "tingly" inside.

I need chocolate in my life, I want it. And I also yearn for that special someone.. and I hope to god that I have not yet met that person... because I'd be really disappointed if I had. I'm not able to have that person.


Anonymous said...

On our topic before, maybe it's not that I lost 2 (I think the number should be three really including Ngee Ann people) but really that the loss was due to a painful, sudden break. And that really trivialized a good relationship. And I don't want to be trivial. Friends deserve more than just commodity-level respect. And if someone isn't going to give that to me, why should I respect anyone else? That's fair right? In love and war?

Uryale said...

Yes.. but would you rather go through life without having that special moments with someone? Even if it's going to be for a while only, nevermind if it'll last.
I don't quite believe in the saying all's fair in love and war..