Thursday, June 16, 2005

Good Looks

I've got a nice experience to share with you!!

I went out last evening.. no definite purpose, just out window shopping. I ended up in Novena Square, and bummed into an ex- working colleague of mine. She was there, waiting to meet the new "guy" in her life. She goes through so many guys! There's always a new guy for each week; she gets bored easily or so she says.
Anyway, he was running late, so we decided to stroll about together, to kill time while she waits for him.

May I pause here to say that I'd be really annoyed if a guy made me wait for him... especially on a first date. Honestly! First impressions do count ya know!
But if it was someone I knew, liked or loved, then I might close an eye.. heh.. aren't I a contradiction to myself?

We came across this chocolate shop, and of course you guessed it, I decided to indulge and treat my beautiful special self! Hah.
I couldn't help but notice I was being served by a really cute chinese guy.. as in seriously cute! The kind you'd like to kiss.. hehehe. Anyway!
He was really helpful and sweet, informing me of the ingredients in each different chocolate piece and helping me to pronounce each of the French names. I caught sight of a bag of marshmallows coated with chocolate and another bag of huge (as in really huge) strawberries coated with yeah you guessed it chocolate!
After a while I decided on the strawberries.. I didn't want to get both.. and over-spend. The total bill came up to $22.50, can you imagine?
But you know WHAT? The cutie actually took a bag of the marshmallows I was eyeing and dropped it in my bag saying "It's on the house!" I thought that was awfully sweet of him, and a good sales-pitch, you know lure the potential good customer back to the shop.

Anyway, Shila was quite offended. Apparently, I should have asked for his number because "it was so obvious that the guy was interested in me". I actually argued saying that he was probab;ly rewarding me for spending so much and hoping for me to patronise the store again later. What shocked me was her retorting that only pretty people get this sort of attention and "service" and that an average person would not get such treatment. I mean I don't really think I'm that hottie but still.. it got me thinking about this whole "looks" thing.

Isn't it weird how people judge you and treat you according to the way you look? I'm not saying that pretty girls/ handsome guys get better treatment.. in fact it can play both ways don't you think? Look at it this way, I know of a few people who are biased against pretty or good looking people, yes against. They assume that since you're pretty, you're quite dumb (think dumb blonde). I think there are two ways to go, either people favour you or they come down hard on you; whether or not you're gorgeous. Even the average person tend to have people support them, you know either out of pity, or you relating to that person that you actually want that person to succeed, think The Average Joe, reality series. So everything is possible, just how much and how extreme. I think it's wrong to categorise something in one way.

How about you? I know we all have first impressions on someone, it's only human. But I feel everyone of us should have an equal shot, an equal chance at things. First Impressions should only remain as that, nothing more. Don't you think?


P.S. I really enjoyed the marshmallows!


Anonymous said...

pple have different views of different pple..pple are not categorised in any mite think ur gorgeous one mite think ur not. so everyone will haf their share of being treated more "nicely"..

Anonymous said...

I think that if you're first impression sticks for too long, then you're really not making a good effort to really get to know the person. Seriously, I mean few first impressions are ever precisely true...I mean they end up partially true, and you usually find out a good reason that makes the first impression seem logical.

But that doesn't mean you have to hold it against them...or for them. depending on whether it's a positive one or a negative one

Anonymous said...

Beck... are you saying that because your first impression of me was that I was a nerd? :P Heh heh heh... There have been experiments that show that good looking, non-overweight people are more likely to be offered jobs than their less "pretty" counterparts. It's sad but maybe whichever way you argue it, the good-looking ones still win. I mean... yeah people might think you're dumb if you're pretty. But somehow, you still end up getting more out of life. Or that's what I've noticed anyway. And knowing how I frequently stumble into plants, I may not be noticing that much.

PS I have no one's email! Mine's give me yours!!!

-- Shu-lesbian

Anonymous said...

Shuli? I sent you two emails...And I just sent one of them again. Don't tell me you didn't get them! Check your junk mail in case it's there. One was about the Torque website and the other was about my new email.

And I still can't send mail to you Sera so my new email address for all of you who are wondering, it is

Anonymous said...

D'ya know what else I was thinking about...that maybe the reason why good-looking people get things better, is because people are more comfortable with them.

Like if you see someone ugly, disabled or fat walking down the street, you might think, okay don't stare, they may not like it...but if they're good-looking, you'd look and probably smile too because hey, they're good-looking, they won't take offense.

So you know, maybe just cause people don't have to worrying about offending you by looking the wrong way or saying something and then they interpret it wrongly...just that sense of uneasiness with a not good-looking person, would be enough to put some people off talking to them or like being too nice.

Just something I thought of on the bus while looking at this guy, who had serious problems with acne and thinking, "He could sure benefit from that Proactive Solution they're always showing on Sell-a-vision." I'm positivly evil I know...I shouldn't have been staring...but it was really bad. But then again, I did smile, genuinely, at maybe he didn't take offense. I hope he didn't. See now I'm worried again!

Uryale said...

You know.. you might have something there...

Uryale said...

Maybe it all boils down to the vibes you receive from each other.