Friday, July 14, 2006

Devil's Dance

I feel like I’m setting myself up for failure.

When it comes to love or relationships.. I turn into pus. Yes pus. A pustule of emotion that explodes into a festering cesspool of disaster.
I am not kidding. I feel every single emotion capable of feeling. But most of the time, I just feel scared. That kind of bone-chilling gut wrenching scared.
And the worst part is I know inevitably, I’m causing my own failure.

I feel like I’m on shaky ground. I read into every single action I possibly can. I want to spare myself some short of rude shock that I feel is just waiting to happen.

This crazy haunting feeling.

I feel like running.

I just feel like curling up in bed. Not stepping outside anymore.


Girl said...

What are you feeling scared about right now? Does something happen that makes you panic? Hang in there babe... deeeeep breaths :S

Anonymous said...

Sama-sama. It's exhilarating in the beginning but when you've gotten past that it turns to deep-seated fear. Do I? Do I not? Does he? Does he not? And it becomes VERY annoying very quickly.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes, just is all about fear. It's about taking that risk...when it feels right, even if it is illogical. Maybe you shouldn't be paying so much attention to what you're feeling and ask yourself...what in your past experience is making you feel that way? Is this past experience really valid to your current situation?

There is little point in knowing (as my lecturer advised)...Cause you only find answers when you've asked questions.

I miss ya.