Sunday, July 31, 2005

Just something I found

Daughter, I understand.
You are stuck with the reality of your economic situation and of our times.

The media blackout is a good thing........for war is less of a reality than limited finances.

You are focusing on your reality which is the challenge of getting by on limited resources.
You are paying a price for not being wealthy. Many others in the world are living in the same boat as you...............

Still many others are living in incredible affluence, either because of their backgrounds or because they have chosen and managed to move up in financially rewarding fields.
This wealth is in part made possible in part by the Darwinian skill which some people have to choose, move up on the roller coaster, to amass wealth through entrepreneurial skills or possession of in demand well rewarded skills.
This is of course the Republican ethos, of risk taking, of building business, of taking the entrepreneurial path. It stresses the opportunity to amass wealth -- rather than security for those on the edge.

Your hard reality is more the challenge of staying economically afloat than what is on the media.

You will meet your reality and master it.

Every generation has the burden, the challenge of finding the happiness which can come amidst hard realities.

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