I've decided to write in another post, and quickly too, so it doesn't seem like a angsty emo-ish blog!
I'm a little embarrassed, because in actual fact, I wasn't at all angry or anything. Maybe a little exasperated and irritated, but not angry. But now, when I read it, it looks... bad! I guess it shows more intense emotions, than how I actually was.
Before I move to the more "serious" note, I have to rant! I watched the Lord of the Rings Extended Version for the third sequel: The Return Of the King and boy! I love it, it's just amazing how better it became. I wish Tolkien was alive, he would have been proud. And I think the love story between him and his wife (Beren and Luthien) was so sweet and romantic.
Sigh. I wish I could just give up accounting and follow one of my callings to be a chef, one of the other passions in my life. That's the problem with having too many interests and passions.
I love my hair at this moment! It smells so good and you know how when you let it down after bunning it up for quite some time, and it goes all nice, behaved and all bouncy? Yep! It's so nice and soft now.
I have a 6 gorgeous pansies in the balcony and I took pictures of them (and later became vain and took pictures of myself) with my mom's phone, but I can't post it just yet, I haven't figured how to transfer them to the laptop yet, hopefully it'd be soon.
I came across this article, below.
State Senate OKs bill for same-sex marriage
I love the interesting quote though. It's probably about the only thing I liked in this article.
"The last time I checked, a higher power created all of us. In the eyes of God, they are all human beings, all equal to him,” he said. “Why are they not equal to us?"
Now, normally I don't like to talk about "sensitive" issues but yeah, I decided to just touch a little on it today.
I'm quite against same-sex marriages. I don't view it as a marriage, but rather a partnership perhaps? In my books, it's just does not feel and isn't right. But that's just me.
I've long accepted that these things (gayism and lesbianism) happen but I don't have to agree with it. It's got nothing to do with what is right, correct or wrong but rather what is right, correct or wrong to me. It's just not something I would do, I guess.
Is it to do with preserving the sanctity of marriage? I'm not sure. But how is the sanctity of marriage saved when a guy (or anyone) can get drunk in Las Vegas and marry a hooker for the price of 55 dollars at the Elvis Chapel?! Or other celebs marrying for a couple of hours, then divorcing or annuling it later?
Since when was the sanctity of marriage ever preserved?
I onced researched what causes homosexuality, but like a a lot of things, it's very subjective and there's no real or definite answer. I don't know if being a homosexual is a choice or that "you're born that way". I find it hard to believe that you're born against nature.
I don't know. *shrugs*
But I would rather that a person makes that choice. The choice whether one expresses one's preferred sexuality than spending their life lying about it.
*glares at Sera* You owe me an email from eons ago little miss thing!
Anyway, on a lighter note, I hope you got my card...isn't it so funny...so totally you.
And ahhhh!!! You're reading the devil and Miss Prym...I liked that one...more so for the style of writing than the story itself. Other than the alchemist...I thought that "And by the river Piedra, I sat and cried" (or some long title like that) was really meaningful...Let me know what you think of the Devil and Miss Prym.
Why in the world do you want to be a chef? Seriously...a chef? Like a patisserie or like a "I got my own restuarant" type chef...
And as for world of gays and lesbians...I think that labelling causes rifts...thus, the difference created & imagined. If there were no name for them...they'd just be one of us. It's like trying to give yourself an age...seriously, if you didn't know how old you were, how old would you think yourself to be? And by giving yourself an age that is different from your biological age, then you'd be classsifying yourself in a totally different category (youths, seniors, adults...in my case, child). But I get the point that God made you one way and you shouldn't question how that works.
I guess it boils down to love and taking that risk for love. If you really love a person, then their flaws wouldn't matter because you'd've come to love the flaws as being flaws...even if the flaw is gender. I'd like to think it's a matter of heart rather than a brainstormed choice.
Beckie! I'm mad at you!! If I was there... I'd throw pillows at you for a whole hour!
You disappeared without a trace!
Erm... what card?
Erm... what's so totally me?
*sorry i'm a bit dazed*
*grins sheepily* yes, your email.. i keep adding on to it.. but it never gets finished! Okay.. i'll try to mail it to you by today or tomorrow.
I love cooking! I'd wanna cook for the rest of my life.. keep learning and inventing new dishes..
Well.. i'm not sure! Child or adult... sometimes I feel like a teen, sometimes I feel like a wise old granny (which I know I'm not!)..
Yes.. gays and lesbians.. maybe there's just too much hype about them...
I wasn't traceless...You had my digits so you could've found out where I've been.
*gasp* The 8.90 card that I spent a whole trying to find...*sigh* and wasted more cents on postage...I knew the postal system here couldn't be trusted. *squints omniously*
I sent you a birthday card...It was a card about how how great things come in small packages...there was even a neat little poem on the front...and a catchy tag line inside...all gone...*sob sob* And it was the last one I found on the shelf hidden between other awful cards.
Anyway, I'm back to report on my sad little life all the way over here in Perth. Do you watch Australian Idol? *Please say yes...please.*
Keep checking my blog I shall be making more reports soon...hopefully.
Oh, and since you didn't get the card, I'll wish you Happy Birthday here because I know you'd get it.
Happy Belated b'day darling. Love ya.
Aww... poor thing! My card... all gone! Did you write the correct address? *grins*
Did you register it? If you did, you could trace it...
Okay okay... so I could have called you... but still!
Damn! I hate "arguing" with you! You always have a good point or say something that I can't retort back with... hmph.
Where have you been? You okay? Why's your life so sad?
Yes! I watch Australian Idol!! I've so many things to say about it. I'm going to post an entry then..
Thank dear. I love you too.
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