Friday, June 09, 2006

Top 8 signs you're suffering from a semester burnout

8.When your parents ask about grades you sing the Cookie Monster song "C is for cookie, thats good enough for me." (What about reciting the Count just to assure them you can at least still count to 3?)

7. You wake up to find your bed is on fire, but go back to sleep because you just dont care. (Mmmm, nice and warm)

6. You've got so much on your mind you've forgotten how to pee. (Pee? Looks around in confusion)

5. One word: Sweatpants. (aka your pajamas, aka what you've worn for the past week)

4. You sleep more in class than at home (What's a bed again? I thought desks were designed for sleeping...)

3. You leave for a party and instinctivly bring your bookbag

2. Visions of the upcoming weekend help you make it through Monday (My mantra: The weekend DOES exist, the weekend DOES exist, the weekend DOES exist...)

1. You think about how relaxing it would be to be in jail right now. (Ooooh, some exercise other than lifting my backpack! No books, no papers, no studying... *grabs some gasoline and matches* mwuahahaha



I'm happy that my semester is over. I was burnt out way before my exams.. and as result... I feel I've screwed it up. But no use beating myself up over that... I think my ass has been pretty sore with all the other beatings and blamings I've put myself through.

I'm glad it's over. The wait for my results is on though. Bleah.

I've got so much things to say though. Until my next post.

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